Mawar di Angkasa

Thursday, January 14, 2010

 A Letter to My Son.. Aidid!  (Warkah Untuk Puteraku.... Aidid!)

 My beloving son...Aidid!

This letter or "warkah" in our Malay language, was lovingly dedicated to you my beloved son. And also this tiny little blog that has been named "Route to Heaven", also created for you on some special purposes that you can read & understand it later. Maybe when you already can read. Coz  i knew you still can't read now, on your  just 5th years old. It's okay if u just be amazed and can just only said "Whoaa..whatta nice picture papa!!", when u see all the pictures uploaded by me in this tiny litlle blog. 

Aidid, this is Hubble Space Telescope

Its okay, son! Coz, i dont create this blog as a "science subject" that could bored you. (but i hope u'll like science & maths as not as ur papa. Hahaha!). This "Route to Heaven" blog was specially created to  you, son! Just for you to see your worlds (your life's perspectives) out from this tiny planet called Earth!.

JUST GET OUT FROM HERE ,  SON!!! Go beyond the Universe!!! Go search and explores this whole wide Universe that has been created to us (mankind) by our Almighty Allah.  He had created this  Universe 13.7 billion year before , in a very long-long time ago (if sciences could proved that its a facts).  

Besides our auntie Moon, we also have many other planets in our solar system in the Great Milky Way Galaxy. Such as our neighbours Mr. Mars, Miss Venus, Mr. Neptune, Miss Uranus, Auntie Saturn, Uncle Jupiter, Brother Mercury and our Mr. Cool Pluto

But, Oopss!! Wait a minute son!!!Our Mr Pluto are now out from our neighbourhood. Coz  scientist and astronomer said,  he is so small and tiny to be called as a planet.  Mmmphh! Whats a pity Mr Pluto, son!. But, nevermind son. Coz from my reading, we have a replacement of Mr Cool Pluto, Auntie Sedna!!! The newly discovered planet on our Planetary Solar System
Aidid, this is Sedna. The newly discovered planet

 And there also still have  millions more of stars and undiscovered planets in our Milky Way Galaxy @ Galaksi Bima Sakti in our Malay tongue.
Even further my son, we don't just have our Milky Way Galaxy in this  whole wide Universe. We also have others galaxies such as neighbours, Andromeda Galaxy, Galaxy M101, Centaurus A, Sombrero Galaxy, Spiral Galaxy M81, Whirlpool Galaxy and so on an on....!!!

 Aidid... the pic. below is our Great Milky Way Galaxy!!!

 Aidid... above  was the pic. of some of the galaxies in our Universe.

Son..the pic. below is the Crab Nebula!!
 There are so cool, amazing & awesome views out there in the outerspace, son!. There's have a 
thousands or maybe millions of stars and planets, a huge numbers of galaxies and the magical phenomenas of the Universe like the Nebulas, Magellanic Clouds, the Supernova Blast, the Suppermassive Black Holes, the Birth of a New Star and Planet or even the Dead of it all. And  milllions more phenomenons  you could and should  see outhere my son. Oohhh, my dear!!! Its so amazing out there! I wish i could see it livey from my own eyes and tell it to you as your bedtime story.

Aidid...below was the pic of the Dead Star

My lovely son! All this awesome & amazing bedtime stories bout all the planets, stars & galaxies stuffs that i've brought to you, not to make you turn to be Spaceman @ Astronaut. Or even hoping that  u'll turn to be an Astroboy someday in the future! But plizz don't turn to be an Autobots, huh baby!! (Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee or even Megatron).The comics heroes that u loves most now. Hahaha, i'm joking again!!
Remember this son!!! Nevermind if someday in the future u don't  turn to be a very success person like Donald Trump or Ronald McDonald (coz u know this guyz better right??).
this is the Supermassive Black Hole, son!!

But dont you just stay stagnant in the corners of ur  own tiny little's  world!! (ur life's problems). Make your eyes widely opened, son! See the others side of  this whole wide Universe!!! That will make you turn to be a better person, Insyaallah..Amin!!! Although you're not  turn to be a very succeeded person. someday in the future.
Do you get all my words son??? Hmmm, i loose me again.!!! It's okay then  sugar!!!.Sleep baby!! Sleep my son! Syyyhhhh...just sleep and dreamt bout your HeaVeN!!! Syyhhhhh.....!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stories Along The Route....My Life's Journey!

Sedar tak sedar, dah pun masuk tahun 2010! Seminggu pun dah ianya berlalu. Tahun yang mungkin ditunggu2 oleh sesetengah orang. Yelah, mungkin 2009 dulu, tak begitu success bg sesetengah org. Mcm aku yg keje meniaga kecil-kecilan ni, 2009 tahun yg perit. Ekonomi dunia jatuh. Yelah kalu Donald Trump yg kaya raya tu pun terjejas, aku yg modal ciput ni lagi ler terjejas. Tapi, syukurlah sebab aku masih lagi bersemangat nak teruskan perjalanan. Masih ada esteem kata omputeh. Biarlah perjalanan pedih 2009 jadi kenangan dan pengajaran. Untuk kubukukan sbg pengalaman hidup aku.

Ntahlah, bg org cina no 09 tu ada "ong" kata diorang. Tapi tu ikut diorang lah. Yang bestnyer tahun 2010 ni bg aku, sbb x lama lagi ada World Cup 2010 South Africa dan yang paling best sekaliii...anak aku dah masuk tadika!! Viva my & Rosni son!!! Buat seme kengkawan, aku doakan korang seme tabah dan tetap bersemangat nak menempuhi ranjau dan kisah sepanjang perjalanan hidup kita di tahun 2010 ni.

Buat kengkawan YON, harap kita seme dapat berkumpul dalam laman facebook yon @ dalam laman blog ni lah yek. Kalu pun x dpt berkumpul di alam realiti, ok gak kalu sekadar dapat bersama d alam cyber...Apapun, Go Youthofnature GO!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Our Lovely Planet....


Our Honey....



Our friendly neighbours...



Miss Venus

& Lastly Our Papa...

Mr. Sun Solar

Saturday, December 26, 2009

             ROuTe tO......UNiVeRSe!!!

Galaxies of the UniVerse

 The Milky Way Galaxy...Galaksi Bima Sakti!!

A new impression of the Milky Way Galaxy seen from
an oblique vantage point and showing the central bar and molecular ring.

Our Solar System

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Is there's a heaven, out there???


Is there a heaven up there? Is it really there, up there?? Or, ...'s been down there? Coz everythin' down there looks so beaut?
Nope! nopedy...nopedy.., Nope!
 The heaven is here, its wasnt down there..
..its was here! Right up here!
 Coz everthin'  would look so beaut,
if we look anythin' from here,
right up here!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My 1st Journey to the ROuTe tO...HeaVeN!!

Andromeda Galaxy. This image is a Galaxy Evolution Explorer observation of the large galaxy in Andromeda, Messier 31. The Andromeda galaxy is the most massive in the local group of galaxies that includes our Milky Way. Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy to our own. The image is a mosaic of 10 separate Galaxy Evolution Explorer images taken in September, 2003.

Route To Explores The Bloggers Heaven!

Hi guyz..I'm a new bogger!! Since everyone today, largely using blog as their tool @ approaches to expressed their feeling, thinking, opinion & ideologies etc. Also to shows their like & interests @ their love @ hateness etc. And maybe to shares their knowledge & experiences @ their perspectives @ curriousness on something etc. Me also, wanna use this blog as what as it could be helpfull to us. Maybe!!!

So, to all of bloggers (autobots) out there!! Hope all of u would welcoming me as one of your blogger's community!!! In malays we always said "Apa Khabar Bloggers? means "How Are You, Bloggers?"and "Saya Datang Sahabatku!" means "I'm Coming Guys!". Last but not least, hopefully all of you guys would said
"Selamat Datang Sabz!" to me, meaning that all of you are welcoming me!! Chaaa!!!